Book Coasters

It’s about that time of year to present my non-cross stitched craft of 2016.  This year I decided to go with something I’ve wanted to try for some time – book coasters!

I’ve seen tutorials for this craft all over the internet, but I played around with a few different instructions until I figured out what worked for me.

What you’ll need:
thumbnail_img_25704 x 4 inch tiles

The passages you’d like to use, cut to 3.75 x 3.75 inch squares

Acrylic paint

Mod podge

Clear Acrylic Sealer (I used Krylon Crystal Clear and Americana Triple Thick Gloss Glaze)

Cork Shelf Liner

Foam Brushes

I found white tiles on sale for 10 cents each from my local tile store, and bought a few boxes worth. The top of the tile was white, but the sides were brown, with some white markings. If they were all one colour, I would have left it, but because of the white markings I decided to paint the sides.

Two layers of acrylic paint worked for me. It dries very quickly, so you don’t have to wait long in between coats.


I bought a few extra couples of books I love and thought would look good as a coaster, and cut them out to be just slightly smaller than the tile itself. I’ve seen people use paper napkins if they found a design they liked, or even photos. However, I’ve been warned that if you print anything from an inkjet printer it will run when you mod podge it. Have extra tiles if you’re going to try it, just in case it doesn’t work.


Now we get to the mod podge. It seems everyone who makes these have different instructions, but I found three thin layers of mod podge worked best for me. The first layer is applied directly to the tile, and the second and third layer go on top of the paper. You’ll need to wait about 15-20 minutes between coats.

Don’t worry if bubbles appear. Once it’s dry you can push them out; if you try to fix it while it’s wet the paper will get wrinkled and not turn out as well.

Here you can see the mod podge drying on the tiles:

In between mod podge layers you can start cutting out your cork for the bottom. On my first few tiles, I used cork that was meant for as layer for flooring, but then I discovered cork shelf liner! It has an adhesive on one side and cork on the other, and works perfectly with this craft. I found it at Canadian Tire, but I’m sure it’s available at most hardware stores.

Another helpful factor about the adhesive cork, is that it has lines on the back to help with cutting. I’ve found for my tiles 7.5 squares by 7.5 squares was the perfect size.


Once you’re done with all 3 layers of mod podge, I like to let them sit for a day to ensure they are completely dry before sealing them with the acrylic sealer. The sealer will make them waterproof which is useful feature for coasters. I found a couple of mine were a little sticky, so I give everything a little extra drying time.

Use the sealer on a day with nice weather, as you must do this outside (the smell is terrible). Make sure you have a mask you can wear, so you don’t breathe any of it in. I did a couple on a windy day, and I wouldn’t recommend that, as you have to be careful that nothing blows on top of the tiles while they are drying.

I use two layers of the sealer, allowing 20 minutes of drying time in between. Once 20 minutes have passed after the second layer, I brought them in from my garage, set them down in a seldom used room, and allowed them to sit there until they were completely dried and the smell from the sealer had gone away.

If you are doing this in winter, and it’s below 0 degrees, you can’t use the spray. I found myself in this position this weekend, so after some research, I picked up some Americana Tripe Thick Gloss Glaze and brushed that on top of my tiles in a well-ventilated room. Because it’s extra thick, you only need one layer.

Make sure you also brush the side, as you want that waterproof as well, in case of future coffee/tea drips. If you are using the spray, leave some space between the tiles so the sides also get coated.


Your last step is to add the cork, which you’ve already cut out. I like to have the cork reach the flat edges around the tile, but you can make it as large or as small as you’d like.


And that’s it! When giving them out, I wrapped them in wax paper to prevent any sticking. If you aren’t sure if they will stick, try stacking them and seeing if they are easy to pull apart.




Owl Cross Stitch

I swore I was done cross stitching presents for the year, as I was still working on my big year-end project (post to come!), but when one of my co-workers showed me her owl-themed nursery I knew I had to make something!

I remembered making an owl for a friend a few years back, and I managed to find the pattern and get to work right away.  The nursery owls were grey and pink, so I adapted my colours to make it work.

And I think it may be the most adorable stitching I’ve ever made. I had a black frame on hand, and it just fit perfectly.


And I’m happy to say, the mom-to-be loved it! That’s always the reaction I’m going for.



Football Helmets Cross Stitch

There’s a lot of expecting parents around the office, and as I began making them little gifts, I felt bad for the parents that I hadn’t made something for. So I told one dad that if he thought of something his 1-year-old daughter would like, it was his.

Well, after he saw the superheros stitching, he thought about football.  Him and his wife are big fans of opposing teams – the Green Bay Packers and Chicago Bears – and both are trying to convert their daughter to their team. So he thought the two logos would be a good addition.

Unfortunately for him, I found the logos a bit too boring for my liking.  But I lucked in when I found a vintage 1987 NFL approved cross stitch booklet, with helmets for all the teams!


It took some work to flip one of the patterns so the helmets would face each other, but it was totally worth it.


He loved it, as did his wife, which was a relief! But I think they turned out great.  Though their daughter will probably end up picking a team of her own when she’s old enough 😛



One of my colleagues is having a baby, and he happens to love superheroes.  Sometimes when I hear good news about someone, I immediately know what to make them, and this was so the case here. I had to consult with a co-worker on the selection of superheroes, but I knew I would be making something to do with Superman and the Flash.

In the end I decided to make a family portrait.  Superman for dad, the Flash for baby, and Wonder Woman for mom.

The completed project:


The actual designs were not complicated in the slightest, but for some inexplicable reason, I messed up every time I stitched these, resulting in having to make each stitch multiple times.

Let’s start with the Flash.

I started this design on white 14 count aida, with the intention of stitching the background red.  After I outlined where I had to stitch I quickly put that idea away.  No freaking way.

Then I thought I would try something new.  I had removable aida sitting in my craft drawer that had never been used, so I thought I would use it to stitch on felt.  But that turned out harder then expected to remove the threads after I had stitched.  It didn’t help that in a fit of frustration I cut all the threads much to short to pull, so I had to scrap that idea.

I went back to my local Michaels, and noticed they had 14 count coloured aida.  I couldn’t find any blue, but they did have red so I bought that up.  However it was folded into such a small square, that I wasn’t going to be able to stitch it without having a crease show.  So I had to abandon that attempt as well.

Finally I found 16count red aida available online from Herrschners.  It did take forever to arrive, but it was folded into bigger squares that when stretched didn’t show up as much.  And so finally, I had finished the Flash.

Next up is Superman!

I went to my local cross stitch store, Gitta’s, and managed to get 14 count blue aida, and completed superman with no problem.  Except for some reason that I can’t explain, I cut one corner in a circle, rather than in a square shape.  So when I went to frame it, it didn’t fully cover the frame.

So when I ordered the red 16 count fabric I also ordered some blue so I could have a redue.

Finally, Wonder Woman.

It was hard for me to find a pattern that would fit my set dimensions.  I found a more modern pattern, that I thought would work, that would have both a red and blue background.  But apparently it is really hard to stitch on two colours.  I’d like to never try that again.

I finally found a pattern that would fit in a 5×7 frame, on 16 count aida, so I went ahead with it.  But when I went to frame it, the black outline was barely visible in the frame.  So I had to take it out and rejig it.  I removed the top and bottom lines, and that seemed to do the trick.

All my failed attempts:

When I finally did the 3 final copies, it only took a week.  But months have passed since my first Flash attempt, so I’m totally happy that it’s now done and gifted, and loved by the parents-to-be.



I think I just made my favourite cross stitch present.  Our receptionist at work just retired, and she’s like my work grandma so I wanted to make her something special.  She loves flowers and bright colours, so after some deep etsy searching I came across this gorgeous wreath from MyTreasureIsland:


And I got to work!  I thought her last day would be the end of September so when she told me at the beginning of August that her last day would be in two weeks, I knew I wouldn’t finish in time.  Especially because I was going to Nashville for 5 days, but thankfully we’re holding her a retirement party in two weeks, so I got it done in plenty of time for that.  It ended up taking about 4 weeks to finish the stitching.

This was a fun one! I planned to take a snap after I finished each kind of flower and for a while that worked.

When I as almost finished the yellow flower, I noticed a speck of dirt on my fabric.  Unsure if my stitching would cover it, I couldn’t relax until I got to the section, in case it was all ruined.

Thankfully it just covered it!  One more square over and I would have had to rejig the pattern to cover it.  Since I had already ruined completing each flower at a time, I decided just to finish.



I only made to adjustments to the pattern: the purple flower on the left and the blue flowers at the bottom right were supposed to have some green in the middle that I didn’t like.  Otherwise it’s exactly as it should be.

I did the design on 16in aida fabric, and finished, it came out to 10.5″ by 10.5″.  Honestly my least favourite part about making presents for people is having to frame them. I don’t know what frames they already have in their house, or where they’re going to put my presents, so it’s hard for me to make a call for someone else’s home.

When I went to my local Michaels store, the only square frames they had were either 12×12 or 18×18.  I decided to get white, since there was so much colour in the design, and then went with the bigger frame.

And so I also had to get a custom mat to fit inside.  I decided to also just stick with white.  If she wants to reframe it, I’ll leave that up to her! The cutout of the mat came out a bit bigger than I was expecting, but it looks great!


I can’t get the wrinkles out of the side (I’m scacred to iron it), but when it’s on a wall you won’t see it as much.

All in all, I really love it! I love the burst of colour surrounded by white, and I think the stitching itself came out great.  I’m going to bring it to work a week in advance so I can show it off to my co-workers, then I can’t wait to give it to her.


Hogwarts Crest Cross Stitch: Part 5

It’s hard to believe, but after only 3 months I am done!

The banner really didn’t take as long as I expected, so I just decided to finish it all before posting more pics.  I can’t be more thrilled with the result. In my humble opinion I think it looks awesome!



When I finished the banner I was able to measure the full stitching for my frame.  It was exactly 10 x 12, so I wasn’t sure how big my frame would have to be.  I ended up going to Michaels just after I finished the banner, but before I started the houses, and I found the absolute perfect frame.

I hoped the grey would match, and it does perfectly! I really lucked out.  As soon as I saw the grey I knew that’s what I wanted.  I think it’s warmer than a black frame, and it turned out to match the grey in the crest almost exactly.  I’m really really pleased with it.


It’s big though!  The opening is 11 x 14, but the whole frame is 16 x 20!  For a size comparison, here it is beside my 27″ mac (which is where it will be staying for some time.  This frame is going to be pretty hard to get on a wall!)


I ended up doing a mix of suggested and custom colours for the houses, and it worked great! I used the suggested red (304), and then found matching shades for the other colours (green 909, yellow 743, and blue 824). I had actually started with 796 for the blue but the black didn’t stand out as well so I switched to 824 and love it!


This isn’t the biggest design I’ve done, but it’s the most involved that I’ve done in such a short period of time. Just under 3 months for a full 10 x 12 stitching is pretty good in my eyes.

And this was the first time I taped the whole pattern together, so I really felt accomplished whenever I finished one section and could colour it in.


If anyone else feels like taking this project on, here’s a final summary:

  • Fabric: 22 aida
  • Finished Size: 10 x 12
  • Frame Size:  16 x 20 frame, with an 11 x 14 opening
  • Colours: I used all as suggested except for Slytherin (909), Ravenclaw (824) and Hufflepuff (743)
  • Time: 3 months, with only a few breaks in between
  • Pattern: by Little Mojo, downloaded from The Leaky Cauldron

Enjoy, and let me know if you decide to give it a try!

Hogwarts Crest Cross Stitch: Part 4

In the end I decided I needed to do some work on the inside, to switch it up a bit! I still haven’t decided on my house colours, but at least the black is done.

Screen Shot 2016-03-05 at 8.08.58 AM.png


There’s an additional two shades of grey that will finish of the house mascots, but I’m going to leave those for when I work on the house colours, so I have some variety in what I’m working on.

So up next I’m working on the banner! I think it’s going to take a while to get that done, but we’ll see. I’m hoping it’s not as big as it looks.  I guess I’ll find out soon!

Enjoy! 🙂

Hogwarts Crest Cross Stitch: Part 3

After what feels like a month’s hiatus, I’m working on my hogwarts cross stitch again and it’s going exceptionally well!

Crest outline complete!

The outline of the main crest is complete, so now I have to decide if I want to finish the yellow and black for good and do the banner at the bottom, or change it up and get to the fun parts — the house crests! Not sure what way I’m leaning.  I’m still deciding between a few colours for the houses, so if I haven’t made a decision on that, that could definitely influence what I work on next.

My current progress marked on the pattern

The pattern suggests dmc 304 (red), 991 (green), 3750 (blue), and I’ve added 743 (yellow).  But I may want brighter shades instead, so I’ve also picked 816 (red), 909 (green), 796 (blue) and 973 (yellow).  Not sure which way I’m going to go.  I’ll probably have to look at pictures of the actual crest before making any decisions. But if you have a colour suggestion, please let me know!

New colours on the left, pattern suggestions on the right


Though She Be But Little: Part 2

Guys, this only took 5 days, and 3 of them were just evenings!  I completely forgot how long these projects actually take, and for once it worked in my favour.

I’m thrilled with how it turned out, and can’t wait to gift it 🙂




One day I will learn how to take better pictures of framed projects, and get rid of that pesky reflection. But that’s a project for another day.


Though She Be But Little: Part 1

My Hogwarts stitch is coming along swimmingly – I’m super happy with it, and will have a major update for y’all soon.  But one of my very lovely co-workers is expecting a little girl, and only has a few weeks left before her maternity leave, so I had to put my other projects away and start on her gift.

Finding something was more difficult than I expected, seeing as she doesn’t really have a theme for her nursery.  It’s an adult space (seeing as adult will be the ones who actually are enjoying it – I totally get it!), mostly black, white and grey with a splash of colour.  So when I say this on Fiddlesticksau etsy’s store a couple of days into searching I knew it was perfect!

Screen Shot 2016-01-29 at 6.52.03 AM.png

It’s also great, because I’ve never worked on coloured aida before.  My local Michael’s story didn’t have any in stock, but I don’t live too far from Gitta’s so I put my order in online and my fabric arrive on Wednesday.

Because stitching on colour is new to me, and also because I am using 16 ct, instead of my preferred 18 or 22 ct, I decided to use 3 strands instead of 2 when stitching.  I wasn’t completely happy with the 2 strands, and I had bought double the amounts of thread that I required, so I think it looks much better using 3 strands.

I’m very happy with my progress over the last two evenings, and should actually have it complete sometime next week – way ahead of schedule!

Screen Shot 2016-01-29 at 7.06.27 AM.png

The hardest thing so far has been making sure my fabric stays straight, so the words don’t curve up or down. Looks like I may have to make a few adjustments.

One change I’ll be making to the pattern, is changing the colour for the word ‘Fierce’. I’ve been thinking about the dark pink that’s the background for ‘Little’.  Maybe. Knowing me, I won’t truly made my mind up until I’m going to start work on that word, which will be put off for as long as possible.  We’ll see what happens when I get there!
